Computer Emergency Room offers a retail showroom at all our locations. Why order online and guess at what you will be getting or spend countless hours on the phone trying to get help or warranty work done with a guy that you can’t understand and claims his name is “Bob”? Sick of dealing with big box retailers that don’t have much knowledge? When you come in our showroom our sales people are our technicians.
Computer Emergency Room handles the warranty on all the products we sell. All of our products have a major manufacturer behind us so if for any reason you don’t want us to handle it you can call them yourself. We offer competitive pricing on: computers; monitors; laptops; tablets; printers & accessories. We also offer remote monitoring and remote backup on home PC’s for a great value. Stop in today for more information.
Computer Emergency Room has partnerships with all the major hardware manufacturers. We do a large amount of purchases each year and use that purchase power to get you competitive pricing.
We handle the warranty on all products that we sell. Asset management is part of our online help desk system. You will be able to log in and check the warranty status of any piece of equipment you own and the date it was put into use. Our sales team can customize your replacement date alerts to fit your business needs. We can set an automatic replacement plan in place to minimize your repair costs. Call today for a free analysis on your hardware and life cycle planning!